Área de actividad y uso de hábitat del cacomixtle (Bassariscus astutus) en “El Pedregal de San Ángel”

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The “El Pedregal de San Angel” Ecological Reserve is the last relict of a malpais originated with the eruption of the Xitle volcano. This 237 ha reserve is located within Mexico City, one of the largest cities of the world, and harbors a population of ring-tailed cat (Bassariscus astutus). Species for which little has been published, despite its wide distribution and its ability to adapt to human influence. We evaluated the activity patterns of the species within the “El Pedregal” reserve. We captured and radio-collared 10 ringtails, nevertheless, only four males (three adults and one juvenile) produced location fixes (35-71 fixes) to estimate home range. Home-range analysis was conducted with the Animal Movement Analysis Arc View Extension, and estimated with 95% of the fixes with minumim convex polygon (7.8 ± 01.9 ha for adults and 2.9 ha for the juvenile) and 95% Fixed Kernel (9.2 ± 0.08 ha for adults and 3.1 ha for the juvenile). Only two pairs showed home range overlap; 28.08% and 84.14% between one pair and 46.3% and 46.9% between the other. Habitat use greater than expected in perturbed habitat (pesp = 0.256 < pmin = 0.284) and gardens (pesp = 0.155 < pmin = 0.125), and less than expected for the reserve (pesp = 0.189 > pmax = 0.13) and urban (pesp = 0.077 > pmax = 0.048). University infrastructure was used as expected (p = 0.22). Ring-tail cats are found throughout
the campus, where it survives in conditions of high habitat fragmentation and urbanization. 

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