Short-term measures to avoid retaliatory killing of a tapir (Tapirus bairdii) during a case of human conflict at La Amistad Biosphere Reserve, Costa Rica

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Diego A. Gómez-Hoyos
Rocío Seisdedos-de-Vergara
Fernando Castañeda
Jan Schipper
Ronit Amit
José F. González-Maya


The increase in human tapir conflict and lack of management options is worrying and has been identified as a research priority in previous conservation planning reviews for the group. Crop-raiding by Baird’s tapir was reported on a private farm within the La Amistad Biosphere Reserve, Costa Rica. We conducted an open interview with the owner and baited the tapir out of the damaged area using an artificial salt-lick. The measures taken (quick response, assistance on alternative solutions, and the decision to use of salt-licks) were successful short-term measures to avoid lethal retaliatory control of tapirs.

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